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What equipment is assisted by low-temperature chillers in the pharmaceutical industry?

Reaction kettle/Reactor: In the process of drug synthesis, many chemical reactions need to be carried out in specific low-temperature environments to control reaction rate, increase yield, or generate specific products. The chiller unit provides necessary cooling for the reaction kettle to maintain stable reaction temperature.

Crystallization tank/Crystallizer: The drug crystallization process requires extremely high temperature control, and the chiller ensures that the crystallization process is carried out under suitable low temperature conditions, which affects the size, purity, and morphology of the crystals.

Fermentation tank: Although the fermentation process usually requires constant temperature control, certain specific stages or special products of fermentation may require lower temperatures. At this time, the chiller unit is used to maintain the low-temperature state of the fermentation environment.

Separation and Purification equipment: such as chromatography columns, centrifuges, etc. When separating and purifying active ingredients, the chiller unit helps to reduce equipment temperature, improve separation efficiency and product quality.

Vacuum freeze-drying machine (Freeze-drying machine): During the process of drug freeze-drying, the chiller unit provides cold energy to the cold trap, captures sublimated water, and ensures the effective progress of the freeze-drying process.

Mixer/Mixer: In certain mixing or mixing processes, especially when dealing with heat sensitive materials, the chiller unit is used to cool the equipment and prevent the materials from deteriorating due to overheating.

Compressors and Pumps: provide a cold source for the cooling system of these equipment, prevent overheating, and ensure stable operation of the equipment.

Laboratory equipment: During the drug development phase, various laboratory equipment such as rotary evaporators and constant temperature water baths also require chillers to maintain the stability of experimental conditions.





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