TCS series Distributed Temperature Control System
The automatic temperature control system of this project uses computer control technology, which can enable the process operation and parameters of pharmaceutical production to be scientifically, effectively and strictly monitored and controlled, and realize the continuity and automation of pharmaceutical production.
Product Features
Product Parameters
Advanced design concept
This project is based on the world's leading process control system SlMATIC PCS 7. This design refers to theadvanced concept of realtime release testing and implementation of product life cycle proposed by ISPE in the newversion of GlMP drug production qualitly management standard, establishes the quality monitoring system of the wholeprocess of pharmaceutical production, realizes the whole process quality management from raw materials to finishedproducts, and makes the drug production process digital, standardized, accurate, and has data Traceability functionand early warning function can comprehensively improve the quality control level of pharmaceutical production.
Rich experience in pharmaceutical automation construction
Our company has complete process research department, design and technology department, engineeringimplementation department and professional engineering installation department. We have a professional engineeringservice team. The employees have many years of pharmaceutical industry design and construction experience. Ourdesign and implementation personnel have participated in more than 100 pharmaceutical automation projects. Withsuficient design and implementation experience, we can provide users with the most professional engineering services.
A complete new version of GMP computer certification solutions and experience
Our company has a complete solution and a complete set of verification documents for computer verification in GlPAnd according to the guiding principles of international society of pharmaceutical engineering GAMP5 (productionautomation management specification), we have developed a computer system verification (CSV) template based onrisk assessment (RA). We have helped many enterprises pass the relevant verification, and we can provide fullassistance in the later GMP certification process of your company.Combined with our design experience and user requirements, the whole process automatic control of various monomereguipment in Pharmaceutical Workshop is realized, and the control system architecture network design, process flowdesign, control scheme and process control design are completed. The control program is fully in line with the single lineoperation of the product process, The modular desian is carried out of in each process. The logical relationship of eachcontrol module and the principle of real-time release are deined between each process to realize the whole productionline.
lmprove the stability of drug production process, realize continuous producion, meet GMP requirements in theproduction process, ensure the integrity of drug production data, improve production management level and productionefficiency, save labor costs, save energy and reduce consumption, and improve product quality.
- Mlaintainability: the system shall be of good maintainability with a long-term and stable supply of spare parts forcomputers and templates and various sensors and actuators to be used. After our company training, the enterprise canmaintain by itself.
- Scalability: the system is an open system, providing standard TCPlP data communication interface protocol,interfacesoftware and application software interface, with good flexibility and scalability, to meet the requirements of increasingproduction scale for measurement and control ability.
- Security: this system has the authority mechanism, realizes the multilevel authority management, divides five diferentlevels to the operation user, different levels of user operation authority is also diferent. The control system is a relativelyclosed network, and the system network and enterprise LAN or extemal network between the configuration of a firewallcan effectively prevent viruses and network attacks, for the system to operate to create a secure environment.
- Improve the stability of batches: according to the technological reguirement of batch production, establish theappro priate production model and strengthen the management of batches.Through the production batch productionplan designation, produ cion plan distribution and tracking management module, the realization of phammaceuticalproduction batch management.
- Ensure that the integrity of the production data: by applying the computer management system in conformity withthe GlP standard and automatic control svstem, reaize the production of fully automatic data acquisition and monitoringeficient, accurate and complete by the computer system of colle cting and analyzing data processing, are prone to avoidthe traditional manual recording of lagging production data, missing and error.
- Improve traceability of production records: traceability is GMP pharmaceutical producion data, the FDA and othernecessary content of medical industry certification, application of the phammaceutical and pharma ceutical producionauto mation control system intelig ent manufacturing qualtly infomation management system software, the batch numbergoods name, ime, equipment, operators and other pharmaceulical pro duction data in real time, complete and accuraterecords, and implement reverse retrieval process of the production data, can restore all the production status, productionenables producers to analyse the causes of defects of the quality of the products, at the same ime through data tracefunction enables pro ducers to have a better understanding of actual production status, provide data basis for improvethe production.
- Energy saving and environmental protection: the application of production process and infommation managementsystem to pharmaceutical production has a signifcant effect of energy saving, at the same time reduce the intemmediatelink of pharma ceutical production, eliminate the waste of products in the production flow link.
◆ Fully automatic TCU temperature control system
◆ DCS system design and implementation
◆ Secondary design of the automation control system of the pharmaceutical workshop;
◆ Selection and supply of equipment, valves and instruments for the automation control system;
◆ Supply and installation of cables, bridges, air pipes and protection pipes related to automation control;
◆ Wiring work of automatic control system instruments, valves, control cabinets and valve island boxes;
◆ Automatic control system software development, control program writing and debugging;
◆ Responsible for single instrument adjustment, automatic control system linkage debugging, qualified acceptance and delivery;
◆ Responsible for technical training and after-sales service for users in daily use and maintenance;
◆ Responsible for the preparation of all equipment, material lists and budgets of the control system;
◆ Responsible for providing the I/O points of the entire system;
◆ Design of automatic control central control room;
◆ Process pipeline design and construction;
◆ Supply and installation of cold water system;
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