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How to Choose Chiller and Injection Moulding Machine?

Industry News News 1650
When the domestic vertical and horizontal injection moulding machines are used at normal ambient temperature, the cooling water condensation temperature of water-cooled chillers is below 35 degrees, and that of air-cooled chillers is below 43 degrees.

A. First way:
The 1HP water-cooled chiller can be equipped with 80 tons locking force injection moulding machine, and the temperature can be controlled at 5-10 degrees.
The 1HP water-cooled chiller can be equipped with 100 tons mould-locking force injection machine, and the temperature can be controlled at 10-15 degrees.
The 1HP water-cooled chiller can be equipped with 120 tons mould-locking force injection moulding machine, and the temperature can be controlled at 15-20 degrees.
(The matching of air-cooled chiller is 0.8 times that of water-cooled chiller, that is, the temperature of injection moulding machine of 1HP air-cooled chiller with 64 tons of clamping force is controlled at 5-10 degrees.)

B. The second way:
1HP water-cooled chiller can be equipped with injection moulding machine with a single injection volume of 10 QZ, and the temperature can be controlled at 5-10 degrees.
Injection Mold Quantity 1QZ=28.5g
The above formulas are the results summarized by the classics. In addition to the above formulas, the salesman should filter the actual situation and select the appropriate chiller.

C. Matching of chillers and cooling towers:
According to experience, 1HP chiller needs a cooling tower of 1.2 tons to take away the heat generated by the chiller.
We are a top chiller manufacturer. Welcome to buy our products.

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