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How to Prolong the Service Life of Glycol Chiller System?

Industry News NEWS 2380

In order to extend the service life of your glycol chiller in industrial applications, please pay attention to the following points·

1. Use automobile grade antifreeze carefully
Do not use automobile grade or unqualified antifreeze. Because this glycol is not manufactured for industrial applications, it may cause a variety of problems and shorten the service life of your glycol chiller system.

2. Comply with local regulations.
Experts have designed different rules and regulations according to the environmental requirements of this specific area. These are called local regulations, which not only provide safe operation, but also prolong the service life of ethylene glycol chiller system for your industrial application.

3. Fluid filtration and equipment maintenance.
Another secret to prolong the service life of ethylene glycol chiller system is to use fluid filter and carry out fluid maintenance. Operate the equipment as specified in the manufacturer’s manual.

4. Perform all preventive and corrective maintenance.
All planned and unplanned maintenance must be performed to extend the service life of the glycol chiller system· Provide regular maintenance list for all users, such as cleaning, lubrication, dust removal and filter replacement. All inspections are completed in time according to the instructions in the manufacturer’s manual.

5. On time calibration of equipment.
Stickers are attached to all equipment requiring calibration. This shows the calibration date, all of which should be calibrated in time to improve the efficiency of the measuring instrument and prolong the service life of your glycol cooling system.

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