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Semiconductor refrigeration temperature control system selection instructions

Industry News News 318

The choice of semiconductor refrigeration temperature control system should be based on the cold load and what to use for consideration. For refrigeration systems with long operating conditions with low load operation, it is suitable to select multi-head piston compressor unit or screw compressor unit for easy conditioning and energy saving. This is the dual-head semiconductor refrigeration temperature control system that we often say. With the change of load, the semiconductor refrigeration temperature control system group automatically determines the number of power-on, ensuring that the open compressor is in working state, thereby effectively saving energy.

When selecting a semiconductor refrigeration temperature control system, the unit with a higher coefficient of performance value is preferred. According to previous statistics, the normal semiconductor refrigeration temperature control system group has a running time of less than 1/4 of the total running time. Therefore, when selecting a semiconductor refrigeration temperature control system group, the model of the semiconductor refrigeration temperature control system with a relatively flat efficiency curve should be given priority. At the same time, the adjustment range of the semiconductor refrigeration temperature control system group load should be considered in the design selection. The semiconductor refrigeration temperature control system group has excellent partial load performance, and the semiconductor refrigeration temperature control system can be selected according to the actual situation of the factory.

When selecting a semiconductor refrigeration temperature control system, attention should be paid to the normal working range of this type of semiconductor refrigeration temperature control system, mainly because the current limit of the motor is the current value of the shaft power under surface conditions.

The choice of semiconductor refrigeration temperature control system is nothing but performance, brand and price. When choosing the appropriate semiconductor refrigeration temperature control system, try to choose high-performance semiconductor refrigeration temperature control system, so that the operation is more stable.

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