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VOCs Condensate Recovery

LNEYA has extensive experience in developing high-concentration waste gas condensation recovery products in the petrochemical and semiconductor industries, and provides VOCs condensation recovery devices, VOCs condensation capture and recovery systems and other products to meet industry needs.


Applied to gas condensation and liquefaction recovery, VOCS gas or other electronic gas is connected to the equipment through an induced draft fan, and the temperature is lowered to liquefy, capture and separate into a collection tank, and other gases are discharged, thereby realizing gas condensation capture recovery.
The air volume ranges from 100m³/h to 5000m³/h, and the temperature ranges from -40℃~-115℃, which can meet the requirements of different temperature processes.

VOCs condensation recovery deviceCondensation recovery of high-concentration organic waste gas
VOCs condensation capture recovery systemApplied to gas condensation and liquefaction recovery

VOCs Condensation Recovery

—Support Low Temp -115℃

Used for VOCs gas single material or multi-material condensation recovery, introduce the volatile VOCs gas into the equipment cold box (set condensation temperature 3℃ -40℃ -75℃ -115℃) Other temperature zones can be customized, and condensation and liquefaction can be performed step by step according to needs.

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VOCs Condensation Capture Recovery System

—-40℃~-75℃, which can meet the requirements of different temperatures

Applied to gas condensation and liquefaction recovery. The VOCS gas or other electronic gas is connected to the equipment through an induced draft fan, and the gas is liquefied, captured and separated into a collection tank by lowering the temperature, while other gases are discharged, thereby achieving condensation, capture and recovery of the gas.

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